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We have a lot of plants. We searched for a good tool to keep information on how to care for plants; talking to vendors, downloading, talking to Universities. Botanical sites all have different ways of presenting care information and it's not shareable. We have many unique plants, and although I am sure not so unique to be endangered, that says nothing for long term estate collections, or specialty hybridizers. Universities and Botantical Gardens can also expand by having private growers keep "back ups" of critical plants. Private collections have value in many ways. Even if only for insurance purposes the plants are recorded, that value is protected. If someone is a specialist in caring for a particular species, their knowledge may help others grow and protect botanical assets.


  • Create a more universal and shareable format for plant culture and care.
  • Create a way to collect and organize botanical assets.
  • Create a way to layout and map regions of botanical assets.
  • Preserve botanical assets through a unified global catalog.

What we are creating...

Botanical Schema

Start with a shareable Botanical Information schema for plant data and culture.

Collection Management

Collect botanical specimen data in an organized fashion.

Layout Management

Group the specimens you have in areas and locations so you can find and maintain them.

Next Steps

Keep up with the latest happenings.

Botanical Information

Released 16 Feb, 2018

Construct a standardized, shareable format for plant information. The Botanical Information Format is up for public comment and improvement as an XML XSD file.

GitHub Schema Project

Combine with Technology


Building on the foundation of a standardized format, merge with technology to create a user friendly system for professional hobbyists, home owners, commercial growers, even universities to manage plant care, inventory, and locations.

A Global Plant Database


With a system to collect and share information, then it's time to populate it and use it to help preserve and protect existing species and help with emerging hybrids.

A study found that the world's botanic gardens contain about a third of all known plants and help protect 40% of endangered species. They might be formal sanctuaries for some species, but so are commercial companies, hybridizers, hobbyists, and even those at home and small apartments that have plants. Everyone can help maintain and track their botantical collections. It may contain two plants you want to maintain because they were your grandmother's. Or it could be five greenhouses and 500 acres with thousands of plants. Share what you know. Make your collection thrive.

Who Needs It?

Commercial Growers & Universities
Large scale, thousands of plants, many areas to organize.

Home Owners
The garden, the front window, Grandma's cactus.

Hybridizers and Hobbyists
Roses, Begonias, Orchids, other new creations.

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